Cat Man is a cowboy cat that has a sidekick named Mouse Man, and has an arch enemy named Dr. Eight Eye. In Cat Man’s last battle against Dr. Eight Eye, it was difficult because Dr. Eight Eye made a ROBO-56901
that burned him with lasers. ”OW!!” Cat Man exclaimed as Dr. Eight Eye reloaded the ROBO-56901. Cat Man was losing the battle. Dr. Eight Eye held the ROBO-56901 at his head and said,”You are done for, Cat Man.”
Cat man was at near death but Mouse Man used his blade called SerJopLk and sliced the ROBO-56901. ”Cat Man!” screamed Mouse Man. ”MOUSEY!!” Cat Man yelled as he pulled his pistol out (named XunZlePk) and shot a barrel of dynamite. BOOM!!! The explosion created a chain reaction that knocked Dr. Eight Eye back to his lair. The great Cat Man and Mouse Man were victorious again.
They traveled home to their village called DeryHlop and were cheered and praised for their victory.
Meanwhile, at his lair, Dr. Eight Eye diagnosed the ROBO-56901 that was destroyed. "Hmm. How am I going to dessstroy Cat Man and hisss pesssky, little rat!”
Dr. Eight Eye was so aggravated that Mrs. Eight Eye heard it. ”What isss going ON!” exclaimed Mrs. Eight Eye.
“Sssweety, I am sssoooo ssorry. I wasss very angry at Cat Man and Mouse Man.” said Dr. Eight Eye. ”I wasss thinking of going to their village and dessstroying it by luring Cat Man and Moussse Man away from the village and then we dessstroy it with our army! Once the village is dessstroyed, we can use our army to dessstroy Cat Man and Moussse Man for good!” said Mrs. Eight Eye. "MUAHAHAHA!!!" they both laughed maniacally.
A short distance away, at the Cowby Diner in the village, Cat Man and Mouse Man were hosting a party for their new victory as well as for Mouse Man’s 21st birthday.
“A new victory for our favorite heroes: Cat Man and Mouse Man!” the Sheriff yelled into a party horn. ”And for Mouse Man’s 21st birthday, we will give him this gigantic cake with a picture that shows Mouse Man on Dr. Eight Eye’s back victoriously.” The Sheriff yelled in the party horn again. Just then, a spider disguised as a villager said “Help, a fire!” Cat Man looked at Mouse Man and Mouse Man looked at Cat Man.”I think we should help that villager and put out the fire…"
The fire kept Cat Man and Mouse Man busy, while chaos was happening in the village. ”Why is the village on fire!” wondered them both. Cat Man and Mouse Man went to investigate. After a short while, they saw a fire arrow in a birthday poster. ”What happened here?” said Mouse Man trembling. Suddenly, a big spider in gray armor jumped at them and hissed! ”This spider is in the way!” Mouse Man said as the spider swiped his gigantic claws at them but missed because they dodged and Mouse Man swung his blade at the big spider and put a dent in the spider’s armor and skin. The spider shrieked and swung its claws again at them. They dodged again but this time, the spider swung its other claw immediately after swinging the first claw and it HIT them!
The spider HIT them again and again. ”How are we going to defeat this big spider!” Mouse Man yelled. "Hmmm...." they thought. "AHA!!" they had an idea! Mouse Man gave his glaive to Cat Man and directed him to put his pistol and the glaive together to create a shooting glaive. Then, Cat Man swung the blade at the spider while charging his weapon to make a super blast. BOOM! The big spider was defeated into space.
When they were congratulating themselves, little did they know, Dr. Eight Eye was right behind them. ”Well, well, well, if it isn't the guysss who destroyed my ROBO-56901. Well, I made my army trick you with the fire in the village. Cat Man, meet Mrs. Eight Eye.” Dr. Eight Eye said. Cat Man and Mouse Man were thrown into a cage carried by a horse and wagon. They were going to Dr. Eight Eye and Mrs. Eight Eye’s lair.
At the prison section of the lair, they were locked up in silky webs. “Cat Man, this is the worst birthday.” Mouse Man said sadly. They both looked around and saw all of the villagers had been captured and were in silky webs. Cat Man used his claws and sliced the webs to get everyone out. Then, they took out the spider guards by knocking them unconscience. ”I think we should get out of here.” Cat Man whispered.
Cat Man, Mouse Man, The Sheriff, and the rest of the villagers were running when all of a sudden another big spider came up to them. This spider did not have gray armor rather instead it was in a chief's armor. It was the captain named JlopSfyt. The villagers were very scared but Cat Man and Mouse Man were not. JlopSfyt attacked, and the battle began.
“The exit is right in front of us, but JlopSfyt is in the way.” Cat Man yelled! Cat Man directed everyone to grab pitchforks and pistols. ”Everyone! ATTACK!!” Mouse Man yelled! The villagers rushed in and poked JlopSfyt with the pitchorks while Cat Man and Mouse Man charged with their weapons. After a short while, they knocked JlopSfyt out.
When they arrived at the exit, it looked like an arena. Dr. Eight Eye and Mrs. Eight Eye came down on the other side. ”Hello, Cat Man, or sssshould I sssay, farewell?” Dr. Eight Eye said as he menacingly tapped his pincers together. "MUAHAHA!!" He laughed and swiped his poisonous claws at a villager and hit them in the stomach. The villager was deadly poisoned and on the brink of death. The battle raged on. Swords were swung in all directions, and Cat Man was taking on Mrs. Eight Eye and Mouse Man was taking on Dr. Eight Eye. When Cat Man had defeated Mrs. Eight Eye, Dr. Eight Eye took Mouse Man in his claws and trapped him. Cat Man took Mouse Man’s glaive and stabbed Dr. Eight Eye in one of his eyes. Dr. Eight Eye screams and runs away grabbing Mrs. Eight Eye along the way. Cat Man was worried about Mouse Man more than his victory. the villagers were worried, too...
A long while later, after much rest and help from the villagers, Mouse Man finally woke to the face of his best bud, Cat Man. "Mouse Man! You are okay! I was so worried about you!" Exclaimed Cat Man. Cat Man was so happy to have his friend back.